The Fish Life

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Long time no post, so it's time for a little update.
Phaia had killed the Lurker Below, but we haven't managed to kill it again recently:(

The Lurker is a fun boss, it's best move being the Spout. When it Spouts, if fires a HUGE blue beam (seen above) and he spins about 400 degrees when he does it. So everyone most likely have to jump into the water (and be eaten by fish, or burnt by the hot water, if we have turned on the hot water to kill the fishes) or run around quickly to avoid the beam.
Being hit by the beam = death, and it will also throw you VERY far away. It is aways funny to see people being hit by the beam and then BOUNCE off the pipes that are very far in the back :)

Apart from Lurker, we have also killed Magtheridon, former ruler of the Outlands.
He was defeated and replaced by Illidian, who held him under the Hellfire Citadel and took his demon blood to make Fel Orcs.


Phaia and group breaks into the dungeon to kill Magtheridon and stop the production of Fel Orcs. The fight is fun, as timing is very important, when 5 people must click the Manticron cubes at the same time to banish Magtheridon (or Maggy, as we call him) to stop him doing a very powerful move that will kill everyone.
He also makes the ceiling and the walls crash down on people and has all sorts of annoying abilities.

A new areas that has opened is the Sunwell.
The area is very pretty, like most Bloodelf areas.

One of the quests have you fly around on a dragonhawk and bomb the enemies. During your flight you get to see Brutalius, a pitlord of great power and one of the bosses guarding the Sunwell Plateau, the new, most difficult raid dungeon currently.

In here is also a new 5-man dungeon which is not long and has very fun encounters.
Also, here you will meet Kalecgos, the blue dragon, who turns to human form to speak with you.

This is actually a continuation of the story in the Manga.
The manga can be read here:

And here's Phaia with some recent gear.


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