The Fish Life

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Outland Adventures

Phaia's journey into the Outlands begins at the Dark Portal.

Arrived at the Outlands! Flying through this shattered world on a gryphon.

Not all of the Outland is shattered rocks and flying debris. There are places like Zangermarsh, a swamp of giant alien mushrooms.

The very impressive Blades Edge Mountains, where whole mountain ranges are sharp, jagged rocks reaching for the sky.

The very pretty Nagrand, with it's floating waterfalls, and huge rolling plains.

Meeting with one of the elementals of The Earthen Ring. Many new and exciting quests to be completed!

..... such as participating in a Gnomish experiment. (Do Not Trust Gnomes or their machines!!!)

Riding into the Caverns of Time. The Bronze Dragon flight protects time from an evil sect of dragons who seek to alter the timeline. Phaia was involved in a quest to go back in time and stop the evil dragons from killing Thrall, the noble leader of the Orcs. This is part of the Warcraft 2 (the strategy game) story!

Disgusing as a Bloodelf, and infiltrating the enemy base. Don't let the commander see through your disguse!

Flying on Netherdrakes. Also, some quests involve bombing the enemy from the air!

Meeting with Adal, a being of pure light and leader of Shattrah City, the biggest city in the Outlands.

And many more! Here Phaia seems to have found a summoning of something (an Elder God?) by some cabalists. Being smart, she did not land to find out....
Oh, and that is her own personal gryphon. Phaia can now fly anywhere she wants, and having so many floating islands around, she still has a lot to explore!


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