The Fish Life

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Bow to your Queen!

How does it feel to be Queen?
Valkaryie took the throne of the Dark Iron Dwarves after killing their king, while other members took the seats at the bottom..... Bow to your queen!
Toolittle had to leave early so was not included in the shot.

Shoo however, was wearing the goggles from the Bear Festival, and THIS is what she is seeing.....
Silly drunken goggles.......

This is another one of Shoo's toys. The Spectral Tiger. Extremely rare.

Another first for Phaia, her guild had finally been able to kill Gruul the Dragonkiller.
The boss is quite fun, he will smash the ground and throw everyone in a random direction, then slow their speed. When their speed is reduced to be unable to move, all the players will turn to stone and Gruul will smash the ground again.
All the players will then explode and hurt everyone around them.
This makes for a fun fight where players frantically run for safety after being thrown and before being slowed.
To add to this, Gruul will make the roof cave in, and will grow in size periodically. With enough growths, Gruul can 1-hit kill even the tank, so all the players need to work fast!


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