The Fish Life

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Elite Mount

My new mount!

Elite mounts can run alot faster, but I still kept my white tiger in the bank.
Next target: The robot-bird mount when I get enough reputation with the gnomes!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

World Bosses

Not all cool enemies are in dungeons.
There are many world bosses that can be fought, if you are lucky (or unlucky?) to find them.

Lord Kazzak is a Demon lord with many nasty abilities. One of them is a debuff placed on one person, and everytime he damages that person, he heals himself (for like 25,000!!!). He can also drain mana from spellcasters, and if they run out of mana to drain, the caster explodes and kills everyone in the area.
Most powerful of all, his Capture Soul ability allows him to heal himself whenever anything dies around him (players, pets, etc.), and he heals himself for 70,000 each!!!!
Fortunately, we are good enough to kill him.

Another world boss that we have tried is Azuregos the blue dragon.

This was a long fight, as it has alot of defensive ice abilities, spell immunity and reflection, group teleport (teleports everyone to it!), manaburn AoE, ice breath etc.
Also, once a player dies the player cannot rejoin the battle even if ressurected, because they will be frozen in a block of ice.
After a huge gruelling battle we finally slayed Azuregos, even though we were reduced to only a few members alive... See all the dead bodies and skeletons on the ground!

One more world boss down!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

AQ20 Cleared

Remember this guy? I posted about him a long time ago in a post titled Giant in the Desert.

Well, AQ20 was all about killing bugs, and guys like him. Seems that he isn't so unique after all, because we had to kill many of his kind.
Each one has hidden abilities like reflecting fireballs back at you, or exploding so you need fast reactions against their surprises!

Other cool looking enemies are these statues who slowly fills with mana. If you allow them to fully charge their mana, they will super-AoE everyone to death.

Say hello to the big boss of the statues, Moam.
He is 3 to 4 times larger, regenerates mana faster, and at full mana he blasts people higher and stronger. At some point, he will also summon huge elementals to help him.
Basically, he kills us faster..... Here you see us all dead.

Here we have Buru the Gorger, a huge bug, and one of the most fun fights.
Buru has a very hard shell. It also chooses a person and chases after him. How do you fight something you cannot damage?
Well, you see, Buru laid alot of eggs around the area. If you destroy an egg (which is tough, like Buru), it explodes. See what the strategy is?
Thats right, the person being chased have to lure Buru to an egg that is being destroyed, and if Buru is on top of the egg when it explodes, he takes alot of damage!

But that's not all! When Buru takes enough damage, his shell cracks, exposing his HUGE brain. Now he can be attacked directly, but with his brain he sends out pulses of energy which grows stronger and stronger. If you don't kill Buru very fast after his shell cracks, the whole raid dies to these energy pulses. Fun!

There are a few more bosses in AQ20, but lets skip to the final boss, Ossirian the Unscarred.

Another interesting fight, Ossirian can be very tricky. He calles tornadoes where it can 1-hit KO people if they are hit by it. Also, Ossirian can go into Supreme Mode ("God Mode!!") and kill everything, such is his power.
However, he is weak to crystals, so the strategy is to have scouts find crystals in the desert sand and use it on Ossirian when he is near.

It is a tough fight, but we killed it. AQ20, cleared!