The Fish Life

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Ah, no posts in a while. Well, it's not that nothing has happened, just that Kamisi and I have been busy on the Horde side..... :p
Well, here's some pics on Phaia's progress. Recently in Zul-Gurub, Phaia fought a special boss Gahz'Ranka.
The boss has to be special summoned, and it is a big Hydra-Fish thing......

Gahz'Ranka emerging from the water. Looks small here, but it is actually very large!

It has a Frost Breath and lots of HP, but the most fun is that it has a "Kick" attack, which sends people "flying" into the air!!! As you can see, we are fighting it in the water, otherwise we will take ALOT of damage from falling after the kick.......
Oh, and excuse the messy screens, I am testing different UI setups :p
To give you an idea of how high it kicks you, see the 2 screenshots below...... Fun Stuff!!!! :D

Apart from Zul Gurub, we also tried doing AQ. Well, we killed the first boss Kurinaxx the huge scorpion on our first try!