The Fish Life

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Passing of a friend

Much has happened since the last update.
I would like to dedicate this update to a guildmate and friend who passed away due to cancer during this period.

Trissaun had been fighting her sickness for a long time. When she passed away in May, our guild held a memorial service for her in Stormwind city.

We first met at the Valley of Heroes at the entrance to Stormwind. Most people came dressed in black, and many carried flowers.

There were even some guests which we invited that are Trissaun's friends from her other games before WoW.
We wasn't sure whether Eltherion, her husband, would log in as it is very sad for him, but he did and also the rest of Trissaun's family was watching our virtual memorial service too.

We slowly made our way to the Stormwind Cathedral. Without any pre-organization or any command, the procession split into 2 columns and lined up on each side of the great hall.
Each person went up to pay respect to Trissaun, and then offer our condolences to Eltherion.

Afterwards, we mounted up and slowly made our way to Redridge Mountains.
This was an area that Trissaun loved.
Because of her sickness, she was unable to actually travel. Not long before her passing, she went on a "virtual vacation" with Eltherion to Redridge and Duskwood and took some photos, which she had happily posted for us to see.

We went to a serene and beautiful spot, where we observed a moment of silence and then spoke of her life. We were fortunate that her family could also hear us as we remembered her.
At the end, we lit fireworks and celebrated her life. She was strong and positive, and we wanted her to be remembered as such.

A video was made by a guildy of this event.
It's rather large in size and requires DivX, but it is a way to remember her.

Goodbye and godspeed, Trissaun.
You will be missed.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Long time no post, so it's time for a little update.
Phaia had killed the Lurker Below, but we haven't managed to kill it again recently:(

The Lurker is a fun boss, it's best move being the Spout. When it Spouts, if fires a HUGE blue beam (seen above) and he spins about 400 degrees when he does it. So everyone most likely have to jump into the water (and be eaten by fish, or burnt by the hot water, if we have turned on the hot water to kill the fishes) or run around quickly to avoid the beam.
Being hit by the beam = death, and it will also throw you VERY far away. It is aways funny to see people being hit by the beam and then BOUNCE off the pipes that are very far in the back :)

Apart from Lurker, we have also killed Magtheridon, former ruler of the Outlands.
He was defeated and replaced by Illidian, who held him under the Hellfire Citadel and took his demon blood to make Fel Orcs.


Phaia and group breaks into the dungeon to kill Magtheridon and stop the production of Fel Orcs. The fight is fun, as timing is very important, when 5 people must click the Manticron cubes at the same time to banish Magtheridon (or Maggy, as we call him) to stop him doing a very powerful move that will kill everyone.
He also makes the ceiling and the walls crash down on people and has all sorts of annoying abilities.

A new areas that has opened is the Sunwell.
The area is very pretty, like most Bloodelf areas.

One of the quests have you fly around on a dragonhawk and bomb the enemies. During your flight you get to see Brutalius, a pitlord of great power and one of the bosses guarding the Sunwell Plateau, the new, most difficult raid dungeon currently.

In here is also a new 5-man dungeon which is not long and has very fun encounters.
Also, here you will meet Kalecgos, the blue dragon, who turns to human form to speak with you.

This is actually a continuation of the story in the Manga.
The manga can be read here:

And here's Phaia with some recent gear.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Bow to your Queen!

How does it feel to be Queen?
Valkaryie took the throne of the Dark Iron Dwarves after killing their king, while other members took the seats at the bottom..... Bow to your queen!
Toolittle had to leave early so was not included in the shot.

Shoo however, was wearing the goggles from the Bear Festival, and THIS is what she is seeing.....
Silly drunken goggles.......

This is another one of Shoo's toys. The Spectral Tiger. Extremely rare.

Another first for Phaia, her guild had finally been able to kill Gruul the Dragonkiller.
The boss is quite fun, he will smash the ground and throw everyone in a random direction, then slow their speed. When their speed is reduced to be unable to move, all the players will turn to stone and Gruul will smash the ground again.
All the players will then explode and hurt everyone around them.
This makes for a fun fight where players frantically run for safety after being thrown and before being slowed.
To add to this, Gruul will make the roof cave in, and will grow in size periodically. With enough growths, Gruul can 1-hit kill even the tank, so all the players need to work fast!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Just some updates

Another long time without an update. Yes I'm lazy.
So first, let's see some pretty ladies!!

Here you see Valkaryie, Kamisu and Kotona standing in the Plaguelands, waiting for Toolittle and Shoo to join us and start an attack on the school of black magic, Scholomance.
While waiting, we decided to put on our best dresses and show who's prettier!
Thanks to Kotona for making me that dress :)

On the other side, Phaia and her guild has finally accomplished a milestone, by killing Netherspite and can finally claim that we have completely cleared all 10 bosses of Karazhan!

This optional boss was the only one that the guild could not beat in Karazhan before.
The fight is really fun too, with 3 different coloured portals that shoot a beam of light at the boss. Each second the light is hitting the boss, he gets stronger and stronger. The strategy? Use people to block off the beams!!
However, players blocking the beam gets a buff but also a drawback, so it becomes essential to have people rotate in and out of the beams to block them while not being too damaged by the drawbacks.
It gets a bit chaotic sometimes, but it is a really fun fight :)

Since we're in the mood for dragon-killing, here's some more dragon slaying pics.

Through an event during a quest, you can see the origins of Nightbane.
Originally called Arcanagos, the blue dragon confronted Medhiv (the guy that openned the Dark Portal, remember?) because of the dangerous experiments Medhiv was conducting in his tower.
After you watch a battle between a dragon and the most powerful mage in the world, Arcanagos tries to fly away but is horribily burnt by Medhiv's magic and crashes into the mountains.
This is many many years ago.

Now when the player completes a series of quests and gets the required item, they are able to awaken the fallen dragon.
Hey, somethings flying towards us!
Hmmm.... it looks..... different from before.....

Arcanagos, now known as Nightbane, has become an undead dragon and is another optional boss of Karazhan. Ah well, it's not going to survive against us! :p

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Poster Boy

Just some "promotional poster" for Wardens of Alfheimr.

Not very good, I know, but I only had MS Paint to work with, and that didn't have textured areas or nice fonts etc.... so bear with me :p
Poster #1

Poster #2

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Claw Rogue goes back in time!

Phaia has changed from being a sword-rogue to a Claw-rogue!
Finally collected both of the claws, and changed her talents to take advantage of fist weapons. They have a blue-white flame that constantly runs along the blades of the claws.

Phaia with her hood showing. Looks like a deadly assassin!

The Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands.
The surrounding areas are all barren rocks and ash.
But it was not always like that.....

Phaia travels back in time to when Medhiv, the most powerful mage in the world (before the events of Warcraft 1) was trying to open the Dark Portal.

Back then, the Blasted Lands was called the Black Morass and is a swampland with lots of trees and animals and full of life.

The Infinite Dragonflight tries to change history by sending hordes of dragonkin and whelps to try and kill Medivh.
To protect history, Phaia and her group have to keep Medivh safe from their attacks.

A portal will open up with a mini-boss and a lot of enemies pour out, going straight for Medivh. Phaia's group have to stop them, while at the same time kill the mini-boss to close the portal.
After a certain time, another portal opens, regardless if Phaia's team has closed the current one, so it becomes a race to close portals, stop the dragonkins from reaching Medivh, and finding time to rest for the next battle in between.

After a few portals, a boss will come out. The first is Chrono Lord Deja, a Drakanoid. He has a blastwave but isn't too hard. Enemies will still keep coming in from the portal tho, so they still need to be kept from Medivh.

After a few more portals the 2nd Boss Temporus, a dragon, will appear.
This boss is hard because he can cause all healing to be reduced (up to by 100% i.e. No Healing possible!!) and can increase his own attack speed by 200%.
Also, enemies still keep coming out of the portal...

Finally, after defeating 17 portals, the final boss Aeonus arrives.
Like all dragons, he has a nasty breath attack. Also, he can stop time for everyone except himself.

Here he attacks the shield of Medivh, as Medivh struggles to get Dark Portal open.
Phaia's group rushes in to help.

Finally, Phaia's group was able to defeat Aeonus, and Medivh completes the spell.

Time and History has been preserved, but the Dark Portal is opened...

A large number of orcs runs in through the portal shortly, and so begins the war between Orcs and Humans in Warcraft 1...
This also leads to the destruction of the Black Morass, and turns it into the desolate wasteland that is now known as the Blasted Lands.

The price of the Past.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Outland Adventures

Phaia's journey into the Outlands begins at the Dark Portal.

Arrived at the Outlands! Flying through this shattered world on a gryphon.

Not all of the Outland is shattered rocks and flying debris. There are places like Zangermarsh, a swamp of giant alien mushrooms.

The very impressive Blades Edge Mountains, where whole mountain ranges are sharp, jagged rocks reaching for the sky.

The very pretty Nagrand, with it's floating waterfalls, and huge rolling plains.

Meeting with one of the elementals of The Earthen Ring. Many new and exciting quests to be completed!

..... such as participating in a Gnomish experiment. (Do Not Trust Gnomes or their machines!!!)

Riding into the Caverns of Time. The Bronze Dragon flight protects time from an evil sect of dragons who seek to alter the timeline. Phaia was involved in a quest to go back in time and stop the evil dragons from killing Thrall, the noble leader of the Orcs. This is part of the Warcraft 2 (the strategy game) story!

Disgusing as a Bloodelf, and infiltrating the enemy base. Don't let the commander see through your disguse!

Flying on Netherdrakes. Also, some quests involve bombing the enemy from the air!

Meeting with Adal, a being of pure light and leader of Shattrah City, the biggest city in the Outlands.

And many more! Here Phaia seems to have found a summoning of something (an Elder God?) by some cabalists. Being smart, she did not land to find out....
Oh, and that is her own personal gryphon. Phaia can now fly anywhere she wants, and having so many floating islands around, she still has a lot to explore!